
FEIC (Thailand) Limited (FEIC) is an insurance broker, registered in Bangkok, Thailand which is regulated by the Office of Insurance Commission.

FEIC (Thailand) Limited is licenced to carry on business as an Insurance Broker under the Non-Life Insurance Act 1992 (Rev.4, 2019), Licence Number: ว00019/2560.

Please read these terms of engagement carefully and if there are any aspects of the engagement that you do not understand, or do not accept, you should discuss them with us before proceeding. By instructing us to carry out insurance broking activities on your behalf you are giving your consent to these terms of engagement.  If you do not wish our relationship to be governed in accordance with these terms of engagement, you will need to advise us in writing.

Our aim is to treat all clients fairly. We maintain internal controls and procedures to identify and manage potential conflict of interests so you, our client, is reasonably protected.


Our Services

  1. We will provide our services to you in accordance with these terms of engagement.
  2. We will review your request for services and make recommendations to you regarding your choice of cover. You need to make your own choice of how to proceed. Upon receipt of your instructions we will endeavor to place the insurance as stated in your requirements subject to availability in the market.
  3. We will seek quotations from all suitable insurers and provide you with a list of these insurers to help you make the decision where toget the insurance
  4. We will provide our services either ourselves, or where appropriate, through one of our associates. We shall provide you with our associates details, upon request.
  5. If you require us to provide services beyond that of as an insurance intermediary, these can be negotiated on a fee basis prior to any such services being carried out.
  6. We are not qualified to provide, and will not provide, services regarding tax, legal, accounting or regulatory matter.


Client Monies

  1. We hold monies on the client’s behalf in a client’s bank account until the payment is made to insurer(s).
  2. We do not use client’s monies to pay ourselves commission/brokerage until the premium is received from the client and is paid to the insurer(s).


Your Obligations/Provision of information

  1. You will not instruct us to provide services which would cause us to violate any applicable laws, including, but not limited to, data protection, anti-corruption, money laundering sanctions or bribery laws .
  2. Disclose to insurer(s) all facts and circumstances which are material to the risk.
  3. Ensure that when signing any proposal form, or otherwise confirming information, that it is complete, accurate and provided within a reasonable timescale.
  4. The obligation to provide information is not limited to the start of the policy. You must also inform us of any material changes that may occur during the policy period that may affect the policy.
  5. You are responsible of the accuracy and completeness of all information that you provide to us/insurer(s). We will have no liability for any errors or omissions for the information provided by you to us. You understand that failure to provide all the necessary information could result in insurer(s) refusing to pay a claim or cancelling a policy.
  6. If you have any doubt regarding whether the information should be provided to insurer(s) you should provide it.



  1. You agree to promptly check all the documentation supplied to you by us or insurer(s) to ensure that there are no mistakes and to advise us immediately if there are any errors or anything you do not understand.
  2. You are responsible for maintaining copies of your documentation and any amendments that may be provided throughout the year.
  3. If you require additional copies of documentation, we reserve the right to make a charge to cover the costs of our time spent.



  1. You will promptly pay all premiums and fees invoiced to you. Where the policy incudes a premium payment warranty or a payment condition you acknowledge that failure to make the payment to us in enough time may result in the policy being cancelled.


Online Payments and Refund Policy

This section relates to any orders that are made online and paid online through our secure credit card gateway.

  1. Upon submitting your order and payment through our website we will pass it directly to the insurer to issue your policy.
  2. All online orders are final except in the case that if the insurance is not or cannot be accepted by the insurer (e.g. if an order is incorrect, missing key data, does not fit the agreed criteria and therefore cannot issue the policy). In such a case where the policy is not issued we will cancel the order and issue a full refund less any fees already paid.
  3. Any other refunds, cancellations or reductions in term after the policy is issued are at the discretion of the insurer. Please contact us and we can help with this on a case by case basis.



  1. Most insurance policies have strict requirements regarding claims. It is your responsibility to understand these requirements.
  2. In all cases it is your responsibility to notify us of all claims as soon as practically possible.


Duty of Disclosure

  1. You must disclose all information, facts of circumstances which ought to be known to the insurer(s) and which are material to the risk.
  2. When providing information or completing a proposal form you should ensure that the details are complete and accurate.
  3. Where a proposal form is used, your duty of disclosure is not limited to the questions listed on the form.
  4. All relevant and material facts must be disclosed whether the insurer(s) have asked for them or not.


Our Regulator

FEIC (Thailand) Limited is an insurance broker, registered in Thailand.

All insurance companies and brokers registered in Thailand are regulated by the Office of Insurance Commission “OIC”.

FEIC (Thailand) Limited is licenced to carry on business as an Insurance Broker under the Non-Life Insurance Act 1992 (Rev.4, 2019), Licence Number: ว00019/2560.

Further details about the Office of Insurance Commission “OIC” can be found on their website: –


Financial Crimes – Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terror Financing (AML/CTF)

  1. We are obliged to conduct reasonable due diligence to protect us and our clients against the risk of financial crime which include money laundering and terrorism financing.
  2. At the start and throughout our relationship, we will require you to provide evidence to assist us in verifying your identity and/or legitimacy of any transactions we conduct on your behalf.
  3. Neither of us shall be involved in the offering, promising or giving of any financial or other advantage to any person in breach of any antibribery laws under the laws of Thailand.


Complaints procedure

  1. We strive to do everything to ensure that you receive the best possible service from us.
  2. If you wish to make a complaint about our service, which you are unable to resolve to your satisfaction with the Account Handler we have assigned to manage your account, you may do so by directing your complaint to:
    Compliance Officer
    FEIC (Thailand) Limited1 Empire Tower 2, 14th Floor, Unit 1403
    South Sathorn Road, Bangkok 10120, ThailandTel: +66 2 670 3902 / +66 2 670 3903Email: [email protected]
  3. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint, in writing, and give you our response to your complaint, at this time if we can.
  4. If our investigation takes longer, we will aim to provide you with a full written response within 30 working days of our acknowledgement.



  1. Either of us may terminate this engagement at any time by providing 30 days’ written notice.
  2. If our services are terminated by you, we will be entitled to receive any remuneration earned or payable at that date, including by set-off or otherwise. Remuneration earned or payable to us at that date shall include brokerage due or to become due on further instalments of premium and any further instalments of fees which were to become payable when the policy incepts.
  3. This engagement will terminate immediately if either of us
    • commits a material breach of this engagement; or
    • ceases to trade or threatens to cease to trade; or
    • becomes insolvent or is subject to any administration, receivership, winding up or similar procedure.
  4. We reserve the right not to continue to provide any of our services to you, including claims handling, after the date of termination of this engagement, in the absence of a specific written engagement between us.


Rights of Third Parities

The rights of a person, who is not a party to this engagement are excluded, unless we agree with you to the contrary.


Service of Notices

Under this engagement notices shall be given, in writing, to you using the contact details we hold for you.  You can serve us notices using our contact details in the Introduction.


Telephone Text Messages

We are unable to communicate with you, or accept any instructions from you, by any means of telephone text messaging services, such as SMS, WhatsApp, Line, WeChat and the like services.  Any messages or information sent via these means will not be acted upon.


Electronic Communications

  1. We will communicate with you, and with other parties with whom we need to communicate in order to provide you with our services, by electronic mail and sometimes attaching further electronic data.
  2. By engaging in this method of communication we and you accept the inherent risks, including the security risks of interception of or unauthorised access to such communications, the risk of corruption of such communications and the risks of viruses or other harmful devices.
  3. Despite the above, we do have reasonable virus checking procedures on our system, you will be responsible for virus checking all electronic communications sent to you.
  4. In the event of a dispute neither of us will challenge the legal evidential standing of an electronic document and our system shall be the definitive record of the electronic communications and documentation.
  5. You should be aware that our system security devices block certain file extensions. Our system will accept files with the following extensions .doc, .xls, .pdf, .png, .jpg or others as agreed between us.   Electronic mail attaching any other documents will not get to us and we are not be able to send you a message to tell you that they have been blocked.


Entire Engagement

This engagement constitutes the entire engagement and understanding between us and supersedes any previous engagement between us relating to the subject matter of this engagement.


Enforceability Clause

In the event any portion of this engagement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder shall remain in full force and effect.


Force Majeure

Neither of us shall be liable for any delay or non-performance of its obligations under this engagement caused by an event beyond its control (a “Force Majeure Event”) provided that whoever is affected gives prompt notice in writing to the other of such Force Majeure Event and uses all reasonable endeavors to continue perform its obligations under the engagement. Either of us may terminate this engagement if such Force Majeure Event continues for more than 3 months.


Law and Jurisdiction

This engagement, which sets out the relationship between us, shall be governed by and constructed according to the laws of Thailand and any disputes arising under this engagement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Thailand courts.


Updates to this Document

FEIC (Thailand) Limited reserve the right to occasionally update this document. When we do, we will revise the Last Updated date at the bottom of the document.


Last Updated: March 2021